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Thursday, October 16, 2008

YAY!!! i found my job le. nw i do not hv2 b so stressed abt jobless. =D was telling sis.. die la die la... cant get job.. wen interview yday. was so worried did nt make it.. den... tis morning rcv call from agent.. she ask me hw did my interview go? den i say not tt bad bah. haha she din straight to point tell me i've got e job.. =P kns.. haha... anyway she gave me e gd news tt i've gotten e job and i can start wrk on MONDAY!!! yeah... well... e place i still not v familiar w thou. haha can u imagine i go interview i can get lost @ MS area. -.- a big gal like me.. LOST!! its so embarrassing i tell u. had 2 ask for direction from e sercurity guard and a v nice lady hu passes by. if she din direct me i tink i'll end up crying by e rd side. -.- haha n even 2 exit e place i oso lost. i walked in circle jz 2 find e mrt station wahahaha... 好丢脸. haha...

MS nt say v big.. yet i cant find e Millinia Tower.. haha... DIE!! monday muz go earlie... muz familiarise e place sia. if lost on my 1st day of wrk. KAO!!! hw can rite??? YAY~~ i'm so happiE... jobless since 14sept le. hee... atlast can get baq 2 wrk.. i m scared thou. cuz new environment n new workin style.. e working hrs ok.. nt bad hee... bt... hahahaa... SCARED~!!

so... wishes me luck.. keke... anyway lately ntg happen much nah. cz no wrk ma den din wan2 go out so often. if nt me n laogong muz spend $$. beta nt noh. cz i oso dnt noe new job muz wrk till wen den hv $$.. so temporary tahan dnt go gai gai...

i'm jz so glad laogong is so supportive.. to awiz pei me and awiz understand me.. =D I LOVE LAOGONG LOTS N LOTS... cuz w/o laogong i'm like a lost rabbit. =)

my sis v gd too tellin me 老天爱我 tt nt2 wry sure will get de. i din hv e confident tt i will get e job. bt sis told me no worries can de. hee... jz like laogong.. had so much confident in me. keke... i will WRK HARD de...


to be continued... ("v")

``.i'll be waiting for an you;
2:13 AM

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

pictures taken @ KTV.

top: Left: MJ, Laogong 'n' Sis.
bottom: laogong 'n' me w cake bought by sis n susu from henderson. *cookie 'n' cream*

tuesday leer... ^^ yay... hee.. soon weekend.. love e weekends. hee... well, yday was on leave as laogong de bday hee. we din do much yday cz we've celebrated w him on sat n sun le. keke wen2 laogong hse cut cake nia noh.. my parents treated him n my bro + me @ swenson. hee.. ate grilled fish sambal. n macademia mania or something hee.. nicenice... ^^

hee.. k... 2day.. took unpaid leave. quite disappointing. cz i took unpaid 2 go 4an interview tis afternoon. bt well.. it turn out differently from the way i figure it. cz... well, imagine a normal working post... bt jobscope even sound like a delivery person too... hmmms well in blog we cannot say out too much too cz... its not gd... ^^ so... jz 2 simplify. was... reali sad tt it did not wen tt well. thou e interviewer is a v nice person =D

so tmr baq 2 wrk noh. DIE!!! hope nt many tings piled up on my desk.. haha quite worried.. ^^ bt... anyway do wad i can le. cz i onli left 4 days in e coy le. gonna miss quite a few nice ppl thr. =D

yay.. waiting 4 laogong come over 4 dinner. keke love laogong too bits.. cant live w/o him in my life.. keke.... will awiz love laoogong... hee...

to be continued... (''v")

``.i'll be waiting for an you;
3:16 AM

Sunday, October 5, 2008

wow... 1 week nv write my blog le. ^^ hee... lazy lazy nah... =P well... anyway... 4 e update... 2day!!! wen2 MS... hee cuz laogong tmr bday noh. den.... sis, susu and me.. we made alil suprise for laogong. keke... susu booked e KTV room @ MS de noh. den i'm suppose not 2 tell laogong anything abt it. keke.. well me v terrible in white lies, lies or acting. hahaha... so anyway i managed 2 pull it off. i told laogong go MS makan. den i say wan2 go candy empire. haha bt walk here walk thr kns cannot find e shop. so sis called/sms me. den i told laogong nvm walk baq MS cz i hv plans le. ^^

den i ask laogong walk walk walk w me. hee supposingly he still din noe of our plans. haha... den... sudd i walk in2 KTV.. den 2 e room that sis was in. hahaha.... WEEE.... they bought anderson ice cream cake 4 laogong. hahaha den laogong was so shocked. hee... cz he totally din expect it.. well, i reali hope it was something he will awiz rmb. =p

den we sing sing... laogong n susu makan all e cake.. hee... cz sis n i bz singing.. i damn super duper long nv go KTV sing le. n.... me like singing hahaa.. thou voice like chicken. kekeke... =p sis n susu sang all e songs v nice leer. hee... bt in chi de.. haha i sing eng de. haha... bt, overall... was fabulous. i reali had a fabulous time so did laogong. wan2 thanks sis n susu for everything.. if not.. tis suprise oso nv happen or suceeded. ey sacrifice nt makan-ing lunch 2 do it. so... v nice of them... 谢谢你们.

den took afew pics noh.. hee wanted 2 upload on blog. bt damn connection from hp to lappy sot. so.... m nw in a pissed mood. haha...

dinner we had kenny rogers. eh....was.... alrite la. like e ribs thr thou. bt e corn muffin.. er.... nt 2 my liking. haha actuali 2 all 4 of us. =p e taste... eh... haha... no comments 4it. hee.. den wen2 buy my all time fav famous amos cookie n brownie.. hee.... cz v v v long nv eat le. so buy noh. hee... den took bus hm.. slept e whole journey cz damn damn tired. den... laogong watchin movie on his new ipod nano. hee... his bday prezzie...

so... i do hope all of us had a gr8 time. n i wan 2 wish my laogong a v HAPPY BDAY!!!... 2 celebrate all e bday's ahead of us. ^^ i love u...

``.i'll be waiting for an you;
7:09 AM

Friday, September 26, 2008

atlast is a saturday... i'm in office nw.. haven start wrk thou... hee... well.. actuali 2day nt my duty de nah. hee is i swap w my colleague. my LAST sat at my place here. hee no more sat's here le =p gonna miss my coffee here seh..

yday sis wen2 collect our online clothes... =D very hapi wen she pass to me.. cuz.. its ALL so PRETTY... hee... wen its done washing shall tk pics of it n upload here. hee.. nt bad leh tis online de clothes. its quality suprisingly is gd. ^^

2day no go out leer.. 'po chan' le. hee... shall nua @ hm.. ^^ laogong bday nearing.. =D time flies... we've gone thru so much n celebrated lots n lots of hapi occasions... ^^ life is so great with laogong in my life.. our anniversary oso comin le... ^^ hee... reali happIe... wee... hee.... muacks to my laogong... hee..


to be continued ("v")

``.i'll be waiting for an you;
4:38 PM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

hee thursday leer... wee... HAPPIE!!! quality time with laogong n family. hee!! yday wen2 vivo mit laogong noh. hv dinner thr.. BK.. hee v filling.. keke... bt nt bad nah.... den hoh den hoh... I BOUGHT PUSSYCAT DOLLS de new album le. yay!!! laogong so gd pay 4me. hee... hee.... HAPPIE!!! nt bad leh the whole album... worth... $20.90. hee....

den... 2day... ntg much nah abit no heart to wrk. cz my minds drifted to somewhere else. getting damn worried cant find job seh.. cuz hoh i left w 12 working days nia... o.O if dnt find nw will b JOBLESS.. hee... i turn down 1 interview 2day cz find that i'm not cut out for it. furthermore.... interview @ housing area de coffeeshop. so... kind of not official... thou i'm nt a smart or wad person. oso cant lidat bah?? so... yup... nw finding again. hopefully hv news from the zoo.. hee... doubt thou.. *crosses finger*

muz hardworking abit if nt hard 2 find job. =( yr end le.. sian!!! hais... so hopefully nah.... *prays hard*

nw eating maggie cup noodle. hee kimchi de. supposingly my fav, bt.... 2dae eat le... dnt like e taste of it.. =P

fussy me...

HELP!!! my mind.... STRESSED. *sob*

*to be continued*


``.i'll be waiting for an you;
10:08 PM

Monday, September 22, 2008

atlast get to blog. ^^ cuz reach hm le i dnt like to use computer. hee... so nw lunch hr jiu blog loh. ^^ lets see... past few days, hmmm wad was i up to... oh yah.. sat wrk.. den after wrk wen straight hm wash hamster de cage noh. den nua @ hm... hee...

sunday mit sis go plaza singapura to makan @ meredien (dnt noe hw2 spell) eat the korean food. ordered the hot plate chicken n tofu soup. a satisfying lunch ^^ my fav place to makan. hee... sis usual la loves the tofu soup haha... so makan le walk walk den last stop wen2 far east plaza. was searching for My melody n Kuromi items. hee not ez 2 find. or perhaps i'm blind. hee... den saw a shop sellin those pin.. hv part of my melody de character. v cute. lamb lai de. $2 noh. den laogong buy for me. hee.. i so hapi... cuz v cute.

2day came work, my colleague from another dept know's i'm leavin e coy le. so she gotten me a gift. My melody n Kuromi photo frame n mouse pad. OMG!!~ love it.. cuz i cant find yet she can.. reali love it alot. hee... den its wrap w kitty wrapper hee.. so cute... =) aniway v hapi!! hee... hao bah... c hv aniting more 2 say den update blog bah ^^

to be continued... ("v'')

``.i'll be waiting for an you;
10:09 PM

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

wee... atlast wednesday.. thou cant mit laogong today.. haa bt jz glad its a wednesday. which mean wkend is drawing near. e day we all been waiting 4. keke... anyway, my ending of contract is finalised le. oct 13. LAST DAY!! den job hunting time starts nw noh. kind of worried nah cz yr end soon. quite hard 2 get job bcuz every1 oso wan2 wait till bonus den 'run' de. hee.. so WISH ME LUCK... keke..

tis few days abit crazy abt dessert. especially from dessert hut @ chinatown. hee... yday lunch i jz hv yuan yang (sesame/almond cream mixed) v nice.. $2.50 quite reasonable nah cz other place cant find. furthermore its yummy. hee... 2day i m havin almond cream w gingko. hee $2.80... still alrite la. haha.. din hv lunch jz ate dessert. MAD HOH. haha... sis hear le sure kill me. haha...

something wrong w my gastric nah... can 1 moment v v full de feelin bt stomach empty next moment can b damn HUNGRY bt cant eat. hai... abit irritated noh. so eat dessert. hot hot de. =)

*wonder* dnt noe wad dessert shld i eat tmr. hee... yummy...

*to be continued* (''v'')


``.i'll be waiting for an you;
10:11 PM